Gratitude Makes Miracles

“Gratitude transforms common days into thanksgiving, routine jobs into joy, and changes ordinary opportunities into blessings. Gratitude has the power to heal, energize, and transform lives.”
On holiday in Cape Town last December, I happened to wander into a quaint little bookstore in the middle of Kalk Bay. As I browsed around, there was one book that called to me louder than any other. I picked up and paged through this 45-page book written by Oliver Sacks, bound in Royal blue with the word Gratitude embossed in gold cursive letters on the front cover. In this book there were several short stories and musings of his early memories, his bouts with cancer and many gems of meaning and wisdom all about a life well lived.
Skimming through the book, what stood out for me was a message about the power of taking a day to slow down, switch off from the hustle and bustle of life and making time to appreciate life’s preciousness and to honour its special daily moments. Gratitude trains our minds to focus on what’s good, to notice what energizes and inspires us and to appreciate life’s small daily blessings that fill up our cups.
Every time I immerse myself in a Gratitude practice, I feel lighter in my physical body and my world opens up in a way that I don’t experience when I am not consistently and consciously engaging with gratitude. My life becomes imbued with richness and meaning and the details of my experiences grow more colourful and vibrant. I start seeing things differently, I feel different and synchronicities and miracles happen in my life.
But it is not merely in the saying of the words ‘I am grateful’, but in deeply connecting with what’s good in our lives and the expansive feeling in the centre of our chests, that we expand and our experience shifts. Actively scanning for joyful daily moments and blessings has the power to change our lives, bodies, brains and hearts. In gratitude, we fall in love with ourselves and our lives.
During the holidays I invited several people to join me in playing the Gratitude Game. Making a game of it and playing with a group unlocked so much energy and was such fun. It raised the experience to another level for everyone. We inspired and uplifted one another, celebrated and applauded one another’s wins and all received massive benefit through the interactive sharing and engagement.
Some people loved it so much, they asked me to run it again, and I, of course, said YES. So, if you feel called to play along please send your e-mail address to and we will let you know the new dates.
I am so excited to see what kind of miracles we can make happen together!
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